Electives USMLE

8 Clinical Electives without Step 1 Scores or VSLO (2018-2019)

If you are reading this article, you are probably in your 4th year of MBBS. You are thinking of doing a clinical elective after final year because you are not sure if you want to go the USMLE way. You just want to test the waters and see if this is your cup of tea. (Still confused? Check out our article on Reasons why you should do Clinical Electives in the US)

“I will start applying later, they say you have to apply 6-8 months in advance” remember saying this to yourself in the beginning of the year? Well, if you are a final year Indian medical student, you have most likely planned on doing electives in the early part of next year. So, now will be a good time to apply.

But, like most Indian Medical Students, it is likely that you have not given your USMLE Step 1. If you already have your USMLE Step 1 scores, check out our article on Clinical Electives WITH Step 1 scores. 

More and more clinical elective programs in the US now require you to have Step 1 scores in order to be eligible for electives.

Also, a lot of the universities in the US are now accepting applications only through VSLO (Visiting Student Learning Opportunities), which is a common online portal for visiting students to apply for electives. While this is a great initiative, to apply through VSLO, your medical school should officially be a VSLO partner.

99% of medical schools in India are not part of this program (blame it on the fees the college has to pay to become part of VSLO).

“So, does that mean I can’t apply for electives this year?” Absolutely not! There are still places that accept international medical students for clinical electives without Step 1 scores or VSLO. Rather that you having to scour through pages and pages of google searches to find the right pick for where you should apply, The Indian Medical Student has an updated list prepared just for you!

We strongly suggest that you start with your application process at least 8-9 months in advance given the vast number of documents required and the way our college offices function.

(The Indian Medical Student Team)

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This article has been written by Dr. Rohit Nathani who is an intern at Seth GS Medical College and Kem Hospital, Mumbai, India. If you have any questions you can ask him in the comments section below.

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25 replies on “8 Clinical Electives without Step 1 Scores or VSLO (2018-2019)”

Hi, I am Aritra, currently doing my internship in Assam Medical College. I would love to know more about the clinical electives, how does it work and all. Please do let me know whom can I talk to, in order to know more about it.

Hi Artitra, you can ask your questions here in the comments section of our blog posts. Someone from our team or anyone else who has faced the same questions as you will answer your questions.

Hi, I am Nishi. I am a final year student doing MBBS from Grant Medical College,Bombay. I have just made up my mind to do USMLE. Can you please guide me to how should I go about it ? As in how should I plan electives and steps.
Thank you.

Hi Nishi, your first priority should be to apply for electives as you can only do them while you are still an undergrad. As for your steps, you can give Step 2 CS when you go for electives. Step 1 and Step 2 CK can be given in that order once you come back. Our advice would be to make a rough timeline for yourself and proceed from there.

Hi, I am ashmita. I am a student in medical college kolkata. What is a better option in terms of cost and guarantee of selection – applying for an elective through some company or directly applying to the University?

Hi ashmita, the cost of a clinical elective will vary depending on the place that you apply to. Although you are not guranteed a spot in any program, there is a good chance to get an elective at a university. On the other hand, if you go through a company that arranges electives, you are guranteed a rotation. These rotations are generally not at universities, rather they are with individual practitioners or community hospitals. The cost may come to about the same as applying directly to a university or may be a little more in some cases.

Depends on when you want to do the electives. If you plan to go for electives before internship begins then apply in mid- final year. In any case. Make sure you apply atleast 6-8 months prior to the months you intend to do the electives.

Hi!! I m isha patel…i m a final year student in india and i m a resident of US as well…m i counted as a IMG?? Do i need to clear TOFEL?? Before electives

Is TOEFL,must for applying to electives? At many places, it seems optional, if you get a letter from the College,stating that the medium of instruction is English?

Hi I’m Priya. Thankyou Dr. Rohit for putting together such a beautiful article!
I have 2 questions-
1. In a lot of sites , it’s says final year students are eligible to apply for electives. Being an intern in india, am I eligible to apply ( since we haven’t got our final degree yet)?
2. Which in your team’s experience has the highest rates of acceptance by university hospitals ( both w and w/o step 1 score) for imgs ?

Hi! I’m doing my internship currently. I have 2 questions regarding the electives.
1. A lot of the colleges mentioned above as well as others specify that you can apply in your final year of medical school. Am I eligible to apply being an intern ( As technically, we haven’t got our degree yet)?
2. Which college in your experience has a reasonably high IMG acceptance rate (as an intern again)? ( colleges with and without step score requirement).

Thanks !

Hi Priya, thank you for the feedback.
To answer your questions
1. You can apply for electives during internship.
2. Mount Sinai, NY and FIU have a fairly high IMG acceptance rate although there are a lot of IMGs that get accepted at other places too.

Thanks for this and the form 186 updates. How long can internship be extended? Grad date on which document counts as yog? Diploma certificate or medical registration? If internship completion not submitted will yog (year of grad) be postponed??

Hello. I am a final year student, about to start my internship. If my college isn’t a part of the VSLO program, could you tell about the places where USMLE step 1 is required, but not VSLO.

Sir , is it necessary for IMGs to give TOEFL ? If yes, when can we give it now considering the situation of covid?

Regarding the Electives and VSLO requirements.
My medical college is not under it and is not ready to sign up for it as well.

As per the list mentioned. It’s 3 years old. Could you please update it since a lot of universities are signing up for VSLO and for people like us are we really need to know where we can apply as far as non VSLO is the only option.

Hi. My name is Hala and I am currently in fourth year. I would just like to know that if I were to apply for the free electives in National Institute of Health, can I still expect a good letter of recommendation from them as letter of recommendations are very important for the final CV?

Hello, my name is Mladeen, please tell me what is with postgraduate IMG doctors with license and fool degree md in Europe? How they can get clinical electives and where? Thank you very much on this good information….

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