
The 6 Ps Mnemonic for Lichen Planus – Tonic Mnemonics for Clonic Teens

Lichen planus is an autoimmune dermatological condition characterized by multiple itchy red lesions most commonly on the lower back, wrists and ankles. It can also present with white lines on the mucosa of the oral cavity – Wickham Striae. It is associated with hepatitis C infection. Here is a mnemonic to help you remember the clinical features of the lesions in Lichen Planus.

Mnemonic for Lichen Planus – The 6 Ps’

  • PPruritic
  • PPlanar
  • PPolygonal
  • P Purple
  • PPlaques
  • PPapules
Mnemonic for Lichen Planus - The 6 Ps'
Mnemonic for Lichen Planus – The 6 Ps’. Right Click and Save to download image.

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