
5 things I learnt about Medical School in India after joining MBBS

We have with us today Akarsh Agrawal sharing with us some of the things he learned after joining Medical School in India. These are first had life experiences and problems every medical student in India faces.

1. Choosing the right medical college

After my NEET-UG result, I did an extensive research before selecting the right college for me, by consulting seniors and visiting the shortlisted colleges with my dad.

Based on my experience, if you have are confused in selecting a college then following points must be kept in mind while choosing one:


Don’t go for the rankings published online, they are highly misleading, rather seek for personal recommendations from students and teachers. Analysis of previous year trends gives good insights.

Academics and extra co-corriculars

Ask the students of that college to know more about the same. Do try visiting the colleges before you select one.


Yes you read it right money! It is infact one of the prime factors to keep in mind. Look out for college fees and don’t forget to compare the rural service bond.

Distance from home and location

Choose a place close to home. You’ll soon realize what it feels like to go home after the “MBBS Hostel Life”

Advantages in Post Graduation

Yes that sounds a little too far, but it’s the post graduation that matters the most. Know about stuff like the domicile and availability of a pg coaching etc.

2. You don’t have to be perfect in Medical School!

I have realized that the biggest myth about getting into a medical college is the idea that you have to be perfect.

You need to do well but you don’t have to be the best. Don’t be intimidated being surrounded by a lot of smart people. Don’t compare yourself with others.

Remember that your only competition is with your own self.

Be persistent in your studies, but it is okay sometimes to miss your studying hours and enjoy a movie or hang out with your friends. ” Don’t just sacrifice anything because you don’t have time for it”

3. Pursuing hobbies

I think it’s necessary to look forward pursuing your hobbies, be it playing a sport, an instrument or photography and painting etc.

My recreation has been playing badminton and outings with friends. Medical college is a lot more than simply studying and gaining a degree, so I try to learn about myself and other people and hopefully build myself into someone who is capable of being a good doctor.

4. Trying Different Study Methods

My old studying methods seemed no longer serving me in med school. So I tried different study habits and asked around to see what other people are doing.

Know yourself and how you study the best. Be willing to adjust as necessary. Find a study buddy or a study group to keep yourself going.

5. How to Stay Motivated

With long college hours, specially in the first year, frequent and arduous exams and of course competition, such is the life of an MBBS student that it does brings you down to knees.

At such times I find it fine to take a break and put your mind off to doing something else. I also remind myself how and why did I begin.

I think it in this way that there are still lakhs of students competing to be where we are today. At the end, a quote which I read about medical profession which I find to be very true.

“Yes it’s tough, it’s meant to be tough, if it wasn’t so then everybody could be able to do it, tough is what it makes it great”

Akarsh Agrawal is a second year medical student at BJ Medical College, Ahmedabad. Apart from being great at studies, he can be seeing playing badminton on college campus. He also enjoys reading and writing. To interact with the author, use the comments section below!

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