
How to get a Great NEET rank while doing Internship [NEET 2018 experience]

Juggling internship and studies can be a task but is it impossible? No. Dr. Ankita Das, AIR 52, was just another ordinary intern, making it extraordinary. Here is her NEET 2018 experience!


“Internship AND NEET ? Hah, long shot, so not gonna happen” says the fresh final year pass out.  And that’s where half the battle is lost.

Every year, a new batch of students, protected by the walls of the college building and naive, are thrown into the life that is internship. Was it only for internship, it would have been the best phase of life.

The number of times I have wondered what if all I had to worry about in the day is how I’m going to make the collections before the labs shut, life would have been so much simpler. I wouldn’t complain about the extra Foley’s or IV or the sudden “accompanying a patient” tasks falling into my lap.

I would gladly even have stayed back longer than warranted just to learn a little bit of something more than I am “supposed” to do.

But that’s the harsh reality of NEET. We don’t do justice to either. 

And there’s really no solution to this situation but one, and that’s FIRE. All we need, is the “fire” to learn, to do new things, to work, to give it our all, and most of all, to get that seat.

The fire to NOT have to do it again. To do it once, and do it well. To not be bogged down by “yeh humare bas ki baat nahi hai” and give in to that feeling of doubt.

One thing that I realised a little later in the year than I should have, but what was golden and what kept me working till my maximum, was “Why NOT me?” Do I lack the brains? Do I lack the amenities? Or is it just a matter of my effort?

Be the one that everyone fears. Be that person that the others would look at and be intimidated “arrey iska toh ho jayega yaar”. And that doesn’t come with a stellar track record or any amount of brilliance, but only and only with effort. A smart, consistent, and sincere effort.

To do your best, to do justice to yourself, so that when you have the result in your hand you will never have to say “arrey I could have put in more yaar”. All you have to do is believe that you are one of those people who are going to sail through. You must believe in yourself.

As far as the technicalities of managing internship with NEET go, just remember one thing, that time is everything. Whether it’s in June or in November, an hour is an hour. It’s tough to live by the clock for months on end, but it’s only about a few months.

Yes, you will be slow initially, it will be difficult to pick up pace, but whether you do it out of consistent effort or with last minute panic studies, this way or that, you MUST finish your first reading somewhere in early September.

Make a rough timetable for the entire year. And you will know exactly how less the buffer time is. First revision starts somewhere in September, ideally 1st September. Second revision must be somewhere in end October. That gives time for a third revision upto the exam.

But the REAL trick and the best revision is the FOURTH one. The one that you do alongside your first, second and third one, every single day, for an hour or two everyday. That’s the one that’s going to set you apart and take you miles ahead of the competition. The one that you will set aside time for everyday no matter how much you’re lagging behind your schedule.

One hour, every day, of some subject unrelated to what you’ve studied that day. Some topic it’s been a couple of weeks/months since you’ve read and you have completely forgotten. Do that much, and you will see how things slowly start seeming familiar.

The second reading will still feel like it’s a blank slate and you only remember bits and pieces. But the third one, after you’ve spent months reading random topics every day along with the routine subjects scheduled, is where you will realise you suddenly remember things.

Another piece of advice, flashcards. They are extremely important. Make written notes/e notes/ use an app but you must jot down things that you are finding impossible to learn. Facts, numbers, important one liners should be at the tips of your fingers and that only comes by reading those particular things not 3, 4 times but 20, 30 times. And of course you won’t come across any topic 20-30 times, unless you make a note out of it and keep going through it.

Just keep at it, put your head down, use the time that you do have on your hands, set goals and do whatever it takes to complete them.

Even when it seems impossible, even if it’s been a long day and it’s easier to just call it a day, don’t.

It’s only about a few more months and then all you have to worry about is which branch and which college to pick, if you haven’t already. Keep at it, and best of luck!

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This article has been written by Dr. Ankita Das who is a 1st year Surgery resident at KEM Hospital, Mumbai. If you would like to ask any questions to the author, use the comments section below.

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