
The AEIOU Mnemonic for Indications of Dialysis

Dialysis is often life saving for the patient. Here is a simple mnemonic for the indications of Dialysis. It is as easy as the vowels of the English Alphabet AEIOU!

The AEIOU Mnemonic for Indications of Dialysis

  • A:Acidosis
  • E: Electrolyte Imbalance (Sympotmatic Hypokalemia)
  • I: Intoxication (Lithium, alcohols)
  • OOverload
  • U: Uremia (Encephelopathy, Pericarditis
The AEIOU Mnemonic for Indications of Dialysis
Right Click and Save to Download The AEIOU Mnemonic for Indications of Dialysis


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The S.C.A.L.P Mnemonic for Layers of the Scalp

The scalp is the layer of soft tissue that covers the bony skull. Here is a mnemonic to remember the layers of the scalp.

Mnemonic for Layers of the Scalp

  • SSkin
  • C: Connective tissue
  • A: Aponeurosis (Galea Aponeurotica)
  • LLoose areolar tissue
  • P: Pericranium
THE S.C.A.L.P MNEMONIC FOR LAYERS OF THE SCALP. Right Click and Save to download.

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Mnemonic for causes of Acute Pancreatitis

Acute pancreatitis is a common cause of acute abdominal pain. It generally presents with epigastric pain radiating to the back. Management is conservative initially unless complications develop. Here is a catchy Mnemonic to help you remember the causes of Acute Pancratitis:

Mnemonic for Causes of Acute Pancreatitis

  • IIdiopathic


  • G: Gallstones
  • EEthanol (alcohol)
  • TTrauma
  • SSteroids
  • M: Mumps (and other infections) / malignancy
  • AAutoimmune
  • SScorpion stings/Spider bites
  • HHyperlipidemia/Hypercalcaemia
  • DDrugs
    Mnemonic for Causes of Acute Pancreatitis
    Mnemonic for Causes of Acute Pancreatitis. Right Click and Save to Download


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Mnemonic for Von Hippel Lindau Syndrome – Tonic Mnemonics for Clonic Teens

Von Hippel Lindau is a rare syndrome. However, this is a frequently tested topic on NEET , USMLE and other entrance tests. Here is an easy to remember Mnemonic for Von Hippel Lindau Syndrome:

  • CCerebellar Hemangioma
  • A – Retinal Angioblastoma
  • RRenal Cell Carcinoma


  • P Pheochromocytoma
  • EEpidydymal nodule and tumor
  • EEndolymphatic sac tumor
  • P – Pancreatic endocrine tumor and cyst
Mnemonic for Von Hippel Lindau Syndrome (VHL)
Mnemonic for Von Hippel Lindau (VHL) Syndrome. Right Click and Save to Download

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Mnemonic for CYP 450 Inhibitors – CCOAAATS

Drugs causing CYP 450 inhibition are important in pharmacology because of their drug interactions. A particularly important and frequently tested interaction is with Warfarin. These drugs inhibit the metabolism of warfarin and can lead to toxicity such as bleeding. Here is a Mnemonic for CYP 450 inhibitors.

Mnemonic for CYP 450 Inhibitors – CCOAAATS

  • CCimetidine
  • CCranberry Juice
  • OOmeprazole
  • AAntibiotics / Antifungals
  • AAmiodarone
  • AAcetaminophen
  • T Thyroid Hormone
  • S SSRIs
Mnemonic for CYP 450 inhibitors
Mnemonic for CYP 450 inhibitors. Right Click and Save to download image


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The 6 Ps Mnemonic for Lichen Planus – Tonic Mnemonics for Clonic Teens

Lichen planus is an autoimmune dermatological condition characterized by multiple itchy red lesions most commonly on the lower back, wrists and ankles. It can also present with white lines on the mucosa of the oral cavity – Wickham Striae. It is associated with hepatitis C infection. Here is a mnemonic to help you remember the clinical features of the lesions in Lichen Planus.

Mnemonic for Lichen Planus – The 6 Ps’

  • PPruritic
  • PPlanar
  • PPolygonal
  • P Purple
  • PPlaques
  • PPapules
Mnemonic for Lichen Planus - The 6 Ps'
Mnemonic for Lichen Planus – The 6 Ps’. Right Click and Save to download image.

For more mnemonics, click here.

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Mnemonic for the clinical features of Sturge Weber Syndrome.

Sturge Weber syndrome is a sporadic disorder caused by activating mutations mutations in the GNAQ gene. Here is an easy to remember mnemonic for the clinical features of Sturge Weber Syndrome.

Mnemonic for the Clinical Features of Sturge Weber Syndrome – STURGE

  • SSeizures
  • T Tram track calcifications
  • UU/L port wine stain and weakness (usually opposite side)
  • R Retardation
  • GGlaucoma
  • EEpilepsy
Mnemonic for the clinical features of Sturge Weber Syndrome
Mnemonic for the clinical features of Sturge Weber Syndrome. Right Click and Save image to download.


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Mnemonic for drugs causing disulfiram like reaction

Drugs causing disufiram like reaction are fairly commonly tested on most medical entrance tests including NEET, USMLE, etc. Here is a fun mnemonic for drugs causing disulfiram like reaction.

The importance of knowing drugs causing  disulfiram like reaction is that, patients should be advised to abstain from alcohol while on there drugs.

If alcohol is consumed with these drugs, the patient will suffer from symptoms we typically refer to as the “hangover”. These include headache, nausea, vomiting, flushing and abdominal discomfort.

Out of the many mnemonics for drugs causing disulfiram like reaction, we found this the best!

Mnemonic for drugs causing disulfiram like reaction

  • SorrySulfonylureas (1st generation – like chlorpropamide)
  • PlutoProcarbazine (Anticancer drugs)
  • Can’tCephalosporins (Cefotetan, Cefoperazone)
  • GoGriseofulvin


  • MarsMetronidazole
Mnemonic for drugs causing disulfiram like reaction. Right click to save image.

For more mnemonics, click here.


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2 mnemonics for carpal bones {easy to remember} – Tonic Mnemonics for Clonic Teens

The bones of the hand are fairly crowded and can be difficult to remember. With these 2 easy to remember mnemonics for carpal bones we assure you that you won’t forget them.

Pick which ever suits you. Carpal bones of the hand are common questions asked during vivas in medical school. The hand bones are generally kept articulated for you to identify. Both these mnemonics for carpal bones list the bones from lateral to medial in both the rows (proximal and distal)

Mnemonics for Carpal Bones 1 – She Looks Too Pretty, Try To Catch Her

  • SheScaphoid
  • LooksLunate
  • TooTriquetral
  • PrettyPisiform
  • TryTrapezium
  • ToTrapezoid
  • CatchCapitate
  • HerHammate
Mnemonics for carpal bones
Mnemonics for carpal bones. Right click and Save to download.

Mnemonics for Carpal Bones 2 – Some Lovers Try Positions, That They Can’t Handle

  • SomeScaphoid
  • LoversLunate
  • TryTriquetral
  • PositionsPisiform
  • ThatTrapezium
  • TheyTrapezoid
  • Can’tCapitate
  • Handle Hammate

Hope these help!

For more mnemonics, click here.

If you want to contribute to our Tonic mnemonics for clonic teens series, head to our contribute page.

This mnemonic has been contributed by Dr. Rohit Nathani who is an intern at Seth GS Medical College, Mumbai.

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3 Mnemonics for Urease Positive Organisms – [Tonic Mnemonics for Clonic Teens]

Here are 3 fun mnemonics for urease positive organisms. Pick the one that suits you the most.

Examples of urease positive organisms include Proteus ( Responsible for causing UTIs and stones) as well as Helicobacter – remember the famous urease breath test ? Given the large number of common diseases caused by Urease positive organisms, it is important the you know them

3 Mnemonics for Urease Positive Organisms


  • PProteus
  • UUreaplasma
  • NNocardia
  • CCryptococcus
  • HHelicobacter
  • KiKlebsiella
  • SS. Saprophyticus
  • S S. Epidermidis
Mnemonics for Urease Positive organisms
Mnemonic for Urease Positive organisms. You can right click and save to download this image.


  • Bacteroides
  • Klebsiella
  • Proteus
  • Ureaplasma
  • Cryptococcus
  • Helicobacter
  • Staph. Saprophyticus


  • Cryptococcus
  • Helicobacter
  • Ureaplasma
  • Nocardia
  • Klebsiella
  • Proteus
  • S.Saprophyticus
  • S.Epidermidis

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For more mnemonics, click here.

If you want to contribute to our Tonic mnemonics for clonic teens series, head to our contribute page.

This mnemonic has been contributed by Dr. Rohit Nathani who is an intern at Seth GS Medical College, Mumbai.